Skin Problems in Cats

Cats are well known for their fastidious grooming habits and their silky, luxurious coats. A variety of skin problems can affect cats, however, and cat owners should be able to recognize these problems in order to take steps to keep their cats healthy can comfortable even with unique or challenging skin conditions. Causes of Skin Conditions Cat skin problems can arise from a variety of causes. Some cats may have allergies to flea bites or other pests, or even allergies to pollen, perfumes, or other irritants that can cause skin problems. Poor diet could also lead to unhealthy skin or...
Does Your Cat Have Ear Mites?

Ear mites can be uncomfortable, even painful, for your cat, and recognizing the signs of ear mites is essential so you can get your feline friend the proper treatment to eliminate these irritating parasites. Without treatment, infestations can become severe and cause permanent damage, but fortunately, ear mites are easily treatable when they are correctly diagnosed. About Ear Mites Ear mites, Otodectes cynotis, are tiny parasites that feed on the tissues, wax, oils and blood in a cat’s ear. While these mites can be seen with the naked eye, they are generally only the size of a pinhead or even...
Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

A cat’s whiskers are much more than just a facial feature, they are a key part of every feline’s sensory system. Knowing more about your cat’s whiskers can help you protect this sensitive body part and better understand your cat’s needs and behavior. What Is a Whisker? Whiskers are specialized hairs that are thicker, longer, and more sensitive than normal hair or fur. Also called vibrissae, whiskers are composed of keratin – the same protein that makes fingernails and claws – and their follicles have as many as 100-200 nerves associated with them. Cats have from 16-24 whiskers, with the...
Tips for Keeping Your Cat Relaxed

If your cat is particularly ornery or you are bringing home a new kitten, here are a few tips for a stress free environment. First, there are plenty of ways to tell if your cat is stressed. A cat will puff out the fur on its tail when it is upset. This is to make it appear bigger and could be a sign of a presumptive attack. A quick flipping motion of the cats tail may also be a sign of anger and this means that the cat wants to be left alone. It would be best to give it...
People Foods Cats Can Eat

Cats can be finicky eaters and very refined in their tastes, rejecting unknown foods and dietary adjustments. This predilection doesn’t stop many cats from begging for extra nibbles and treats, however, and knowing the people foods cats can eat can help you give your feline friend a tasty snack now and then. People Foods That Are Safe for Cats A wide variety of people foods are safe for cats, but not every cat may like every taste or texture. Furthermore, cats with special health concerns may not be able to eat even these foods, and it is important to consult...